Izibalo is looking for passionate people who would want to contribute to a child's future by volunteering their time and knowledge of mathematics through a structured tutoring programme.
Tutors will be trained and monitored according to the Izibalo training manual. All tutors are vetted prior to being part of the programme. No tutor with a criminal record or being registered as a sex offender will be considered in accordance with our child protection policy.
If you meet one or more of the following conditions and want to become a volunteer maths tutor, please apply below:
Employed volunteers who want to give back to the community.
Unemployed youth between the ages of 27 to 35 years, who obtained a minimum of level 5 (60 – 69%) in pure maths in Grade 12 or with tertiary maths module.
Retired maths teachers.
Unemployed and unable financially to continue with your chosen STEM career path.
Click here if you would like to apply to be a tutor

Voluneer Tutors Needed!
Maths (Grade 8 & 9)
Physical Science (Grade 10 & 12)
Availability – Weekdays: 14:30 – 17:00; Saturdays: 08:30 – 12:30
Ideas for – Students, Retired Teachers, Anyone passionate about teaching
Note: This is a volunteer position with no remuneration.
Click here if you would like to apply to be a volunteer tutor

Proudly Producing Maths Results
Izibalo provides cutting edge math tutoring to grade 8 – 10 learners from a Maths Pod located at Greenpoint Secondary School. These lessons are FREE to learners from the surrounding areas in low-income households. The Maths Pod provides 30 spaces for paying learners at affordable rates!
To obtain the desired results, we suggest Maths Tutoring Classes for 3 hours per week: Monday to Friday 14:30-16:30, Saturdays 09:00-13:00